By Johnny Hawk
As we begin to assert our own Institutions especially our Governance structures it is our Gi Doodeminanig, our Clan system and Creation story that is our true Constitution that ties us to our Territory and gives us our responsibilities and provides us with accountability to ourselves and the natural world that provides for us. I’ve written about this many times and address it when our people gather as well as through ceremony asking spirit as well as searching for more teachings as this question is key as we begin to become who we really are again. Why I ask this question, Do we as Anishinabek really follow our Mother’s Clan? is because Elder’s always told me I will find out who I am within our language and in our stories, where I now have to question these same Elders for what I’ve found as it contrasts to what they been passing on.
In our Creation Story I’ve heard two distinct contrasting version’s within our various communities throughout our Anishinabek Territories. One version which the majority of our people tend to share such as the Elder’s who’ve taught me growing up is a version from the Three Fires Midewewiin Society. The Midewewiin it’s said is the Grand Medicine Society and keepers of our ceremonies and understandings of who we are and come from.
This version can also be found in Grand Chief of the Three Fires Midewewiin Soceity, Eddie Benton Benai’s, popular book called, The Mishoomis Book. This version speaks of “Anishinabe” which the author say’s it translates from the root words ani meaning “from whence,” nishina, meaning “lowered,” and aabe, meaning “the male of the species.” So Anishinabe is referred to Original Man who was made of Fire, Earth, Air and Water molded in Creators hands and “Lowered from Above.” This Original Man who later in these teachings becomes known as Nanaboozho, the great teacher of the People known as Anishinabek. As our people began living in a bad way, Nanaboozho would later help recreate the world after a great flood with the help of muskrat and turtle. In Benton Benai’s teachings through this book it say’s Creator gave the people a Clan system to use as at one time before the flood we were intermarrying and living without order and goes on to say we follow our Father’s Clan however doesn’t give a teaching why.
In other versions I have come across from storytellers in various communities such as the celebrated Ojibway Linguisit and Storykeeper, Basil H Johnston is the story of Gezhigo Kwe. Gezhigo Kwe is Sky Woman where some say she lived on the moon where she was “Lowered from Above” on the back of a Turtle and helped create what we know as Turtle Island. Geezhigo Kwe would later have a daughter named “Wenonah.”
“Wenonah” in Anishinabemowiin means “The One who Breast Feeds” who was daughter of Sky Woman who was the first Human Female created on Earth where the Spirit known as the West Wind “Epigishmook” would later impregnate Wenonah where she had four children who were half spirit and half human who were Mudjekawis, Pukawiis, Jibayabooz and Nanabush. Wenonah died after the birth of her last child Nanabush. Where Nanabush was brought up by his Grandmother, Nookomis or Geezhigo kwe. Later on in other stories it is said Geezhigo Kwe or Sky Woman returned back to the Moon and watches us from above and has connections with the Women’s cycles and waters of the Earth.
So there are two distant versions where either a Male or a Female is the first Human to be lowered from above. Does it even really matter if a male or female was created first? Are these just fables and myth’s?
My own Mother was given a teaching or ceremony passed on to her by her Mother which is a common teaching and ceremony in Anishinabek society; after a Mother gives birth she is to keep the umbilical cord of the baby and put it in a tree or bury it in the ground or a special place on her territory. This connects the child to it’s mother’s territory and the land and reminds us of our connection and lineage to our Grandmother’s that goes back to an original Mother. Our actually Births is a retelling of our Creation Story that connects us to an original mother and the ceremony of our umbilical cords being buried connecting us to the land and our very existence makes us a walking and living Constitution to this Continent. These reason’s is why I believe we follow our Mother’s Clan.
Another teaching from Elder’s I’ve come across is that we learn from the animals who help teach and provide for us whereas almost everything in nature is matriarchal and based on the female. Some Elders I’ve spent time with also say a male would need to find a wife outside his own village and it was the male who would move into the females village
to help provide for her in her territory. This would also help ensure no intermarriage of Clans would happen. Also western science also figured out that the egg that created us was formed inside of our mother’s fetus while our mother’s were inside of our grandmother’s. Again these are other reason’s why I feel Anishinabek follow our Mother’s Clan it is in natural law and exemplified through western sciences findings.
In our language the word “Doodem” has a meaning used to describe two institutions where the root word “Ode” means heart. Doodem in our language means “The Heart of where one is from”in reference to our Clan and Mother. This root word is also used in “Doodosh” which is a word referencing a female breast and extends to “Doodoshabo” which is the “breast milk” or more fittingly in the language, the connections to the heart of where we’re from which nourishes us. Our language and the terms used and understandings of Women being nourishers of life and carriers of life makes sense that we would get our Clans form our Mother’s as they are also the same word.
One of my relatives is a 3rd Degree Midewewiin where a degree is part of an initiation process that is a position of hierarchy one holds within the Midewewiin Society where they attain and guard specific levels of knowledge. My cousin who holds this position told me we used to have Clan Mothers a long time ago and left it at that without giving a reason.
As the new comers the Explorers along with Jesuits started to enter our communities our own way of life and institutions began to change. Many think that the Jesuits are a Religious Order however they were founded in 1534 as a Military Order of the Vatican aka the Holy Roman Empire. These Jesuits controlling and working together with an even older and more secretive Papal military order, the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem and of Malta. The purpose of these orders were to rule over all christians and heretics “savages” as the one true representative of God on Earth.
This Roman-Vatican-Masonic Oppression Culture never was a true Christian-culture based organization, it has always been an occult bloodthirsty political organization derived from ancient mysticism religions (Sun worship, human and animal sacrifices) that were already formed through many of the ancient civilizations. Jesuits tactics have always been to infiltrate, spy, co-opt, deceive, disrupt, convert monarchies, empires, secret societies, countries, nations, etc to impose their Canon Law aka the Law of the Sea or the Law of Commerce over Common Law, the Law of the Land which for our Nations on Turtle Island is our Clan System.
In documented historical accounts and oral traditions the Jesuits influenced mostly our people in presumed authority which for them were the men and medicine societies. Many of our people died in mass numbers as a result from diseases contracted by these newcomers whereas for that reason our people were easily converted to so called Christianity where many felt baptism would save them and thus began a changing of our beliefs and institutions which can be seen and is evident in our many circles, governing bodies and communities today. I am not even sure if the degree and initiation system within Midewewiin Society is really authentically part of who we are which has a hints of masonic traditions.
It is with these huge influences and knowing the true nature of the Jesuits along with my previous stated reasons why I feel we follow our Mother’s Clan which is the Law of the Land, our Common Law vs the Patriarchal and colonial Jesuit Canon Law.
The act of Commerce and Trade we had with these new comers and the alliances made for War and the making of peace treaties, pre confederation treaties, numbered treaties to the modern day treaties and agreements of surrenders are also huge influences that disrupted and continue to hold hostage our own institutions. These such dealings were made under these Jesuits Canon Law aka Law of Water which can be expressed as the Two Row Wampum as Vessels travelling along the path of life on the river of life which was incorporated in that belt and 1764 Niagara Covenant Chain.
Thankfully our Clan Mothers, the Law of the Land never signed any documents it was always the Men, Hereditary Chiefs to INAC and BIA Councils. Turtle Island is still unsurrendered where all treaties are null and void and proper rent for our lands are due however our people need to know how to assert ourselves accordingly and know our history, law and language. I often hear Women need to take their rightful places back within our Nations so we must now ask our selves seriously this question, Why are we not following our Law of the Land and continue to use Canon Law which is the Monetary and Banking System that funnels profits made from resources stolen from our territories that this international criminal syndicate has no legal authority to be on? We must ask ourselves Do Anishinbek really follow our Mother’s Clan’s?

RIGHT: A Red Warrior Camp building at the #NODAPL Protection Camps.
This may not mean anything but Artwork seems masonic with the all seeing eye within a pyramid.
Real Eyes Realize Real Lies.
Be vigilant and careful not to allow our resistance and resurgence become Coopted and infiltrated. Jesuits are masters of deception and infiltration.
Assert Law of the Land vs Law of the Water aka Canon Law
The Superior General of the Jesuits The Black Pope, Adolfo Nicolas and his 6 generals control the “White Pope” Pope Benedict XVI and the Vatican.
They control the Illuminati, Zionist globalist Elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberg group, Freemasons, Council of 300 and the evil Council of Trent.
The Jesuits control the Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus and the Knights of Malta. The CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, MI5, MI6, NCIS, FSB, DGSE, Mossad and every intelligence agency in the world are masonic and controlled by the Jesuits. The Jesuits have infiltrated all governments & Leaders who are only puppets that carry out Jesuit orders. We need to be careful because Jesuits can take over our movements also.