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Hi my name is Johnny Hawk and I normally don't do Go Fund Me as I practice being self sufficient however a matter has come up where I need help setting up an Occupation as I using timing in this month of September as strategy. I am trying to raise $1300 to set up a LAND BACK camp.

For the Past 13 years, to raise issue of Historic Land, Treaty and Environmental issues I've shut down successfully a proposed dump where Toronto would've brought its garbage into our Territories, I set up a Cultural Cabin in Awenda Provincial Park, blocked the entrance to the Park for 5 Weeks and occupied Private Lands on Beach in Tiny for all to access the shore in our Stolen Lands of the Chippewa Tri Council. I also successful in Court where Crown wanted pursue charges backed down as I self represented with International and Constitutional Law.

Today to combat Tiny Township proposed build on lands of Chipoewa Tri Council on Treaty 5, 16, 18 lands that we never compensated for aka Stolen Land. I need help with funds for Fuel to harvest Tipi Poles. Firewood, Signs to set up this Educational and Art and Reconciliation Camp in an undisclosed area. ASAP. I will be occupying to raise and bring our outstanding claims attention and educate the settler community. To Donate click the above link. Please Help Share.

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