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The Scam of Band Council and the Legal Person

Writer's picture: John HawkeJohn Hawke

Updated: Dec 4, 2024

By Johnny Hawke

(All Indigenous Leadership, Academics and Activists not educating or upholding these facts are complicit to this great fraud and or are acting as Officers of Canada or need a refund on their education.)

The Scheme of Band Council and the Legal Person

Canada's Coat of Arms' Motto "A Mari Usque Ad Mare", "From Sea to Sea". This is taken from Psalm 72:8 of the King James Bible, which reads, "He shall have dominion also from sea to sea." Which also connects to the Roman Catholic Church's Papal Bull; Inter Caetera, "Doctrine of Discovery", which imposes Maritime Law, dominion over all lands and further connects to the Book of Revelations description of the "Whore of Babylon" which exists "In the waters in all corners of the World." (The Whore of Babylon is the Roman Catholic Church) Canada is a corporation of "the Crown".

Canada only recognizes four Indigenous Groups; Indians, Metis, Inuit and Non Status Indians. Although Inuit and Metis are distinct they are legally defined as Indians; Non Status Indians are also defined as Indians. The legal definition under the Indian Act of an Indian means a person; The legal definition of a person is a corporation. A corporation is not a People and can not have Treaty or Human Rights.

The Indian only receives limited benefits and privileges as a ward of the State via Section 91 of the Constitution Act 1867. In Section 35 of the 1982 Constitution Act; Aboriginal and Treaty Rights were not defined and are only being defined through Supreme Court Decisions that rely on Johnson v. McIntosh 1823 that set precedence for the Papal Bull, Inter Caetera (Doctrine of Discovery). Any so called Aboriginal and Treaty Right under Section 35 affirms Canada’s Sovereignty over all Indians and Indian lands.

Canada declares it only deals with Elected Councils as Representatives of an Indian Band. Elected Councils are statutory creations of Canada under section 74 (1) of the Indian Act. An Elected Council under the Federal Courts Act is considered a Federal Board. An Indian Band (First Nation) is a Juridical Person (Corporation).

Canada when dealing with Elected Councils is dealing with itself therefore any and all matters between Canada and Elected Councils in regards to rights and territories of Indigenous Nations are fraudulent and in conflict of interest and void.

The Birth Certificate extinguishes Sovereignty

When we are born, we are born of the standing as a living human being with fundamental rights and freedoms to life, liberty and security of the individual. We are nationals of the land that we’re born on and have a birth right to the wealth created from it to sustain our life. These freedoms and our birth right to the wealth of the land is handed over to the State in exchange for limited privileges of a citizen when our parents register us through the Birth Certificate.

The Birth Certificate creates the legal person, a corporation. The name of this corporation appears to be your name and is seen in all capital letters. We are misled to believe we are the entity of the Birth Certificate, the legal person, a corporation. The Birth Certificate also creates a Trust Estate that the State misleads you to act as the Trustee and it as the Beneficiary throughout your life. The Birth Certificate represents all the taxes you will pay from your life’s labour and your birth right to the wealth created from the resources of the land. The Birth Certificate is monetized and used as a Security and Trust Instrument by the State.

The Social Insurance Program is an extension of this racket in which you are required to have a Social Insurance Number to work in the corporation of Canada. Your labour is exploited and profits made from your labour is heavily taxed and you become an economic slave. Canada’s Income Tax Act defines “Employeed” as performing the duties of an office of employment. In this Act “Employee” includes an officer. If you live life under this Program you are an Officer of the Corporation of Canada.

In the Indian Act a Band Member means a person whose name appears on a Band List or who is entitled to have his name appear on a Band List. A Band Member is an Indian, a Person, Corporation registered through the Birth Certificate. Band Members who register to have a SIN Card are Officers of Canada. All Matters where Band Members ratify any agreements in regards to rights, title and territories of Indigenous Nations are void, fraudulent and is a conflict of interest as they are Officers of Canada.

What’s being Accepted by Indians who engage legally with Canada

Indian Act Elected Councils when engaging with Canada use lawyers; a lawyer is “one who is authorized and licensed by the private Guilds of the Bar to practice law.” The Private Guilds of the Bar since the middle ages have been using merchant principles to commercialize the law and personally profit from crime; This means that the current justice system is innately compromised as everything is in favour to benefit these Private Guilds of the Bar. An attorney means “someone who proves you have given up your rights” and barrister is “someone who represents a dunce”. This is what is being accepted by Indians when they use lawyers.

Elected Councils and their Membership when engaging with Canada are doing so under the legal position as an Indian which is accepting their standing under the Roman Catholic Church’s Papal Bull, Inter Caetera (Doctrine of Discovery) where Canada, a corporation of the Crown (Roman Catholic Church) claims sovereignty over Indians and their lands.

Indian Act Elected Councils when engaging with Canada are also legitimizing Canada as a lawful and legal state when it is not. The UK 1893 Statute Law Revision Act removed Section 2 of the 1867 BNA Act which removed any future monarch’s rule over the dominions therefore when Queen Victoria died so did the BNA Act. The 1931 Statute of Westminster further extinguished the Crown’s rule and possession over its Dominions allowing such colonies to become free independent States. So called Canada since has continued to mislead it’s population that it is a constitutional monarchy so that it can usurp the sovereignty of the People. The 1982 Constitution Act and amendment of the 1867 BNA Act were enactments of a foreign government and monarchy who had no authority to do so via the 1893 Statute Revision Act and Statute of Westminster. No Constitution Exists.

As per the 1931 Statute of Westminster all Treaties between Indigenous Nations and the UK have been extinguished and all lands obtained by the Crown through the Treaties consequently reverted back to Indigenous title and possession. Canada and its Provinces are illegally occupying our territories. Our Nations never made agreements to agree for the Dominion of Canada to be a successor State on behalf of the Crown and occupy our Territories and represent the Crown in such Treaties. We never made agreements to be subjugated under Canada’s Indian Act and have our Trust Fund misappropriated by Canada which is now its Consolidated Revenue Fund.

In Specific Claims Settlement Agreements these Elected Councils and Band Members are offered Financial Compensation and the ability to purchase limited lands back on a willing buyer, willing seller basis which falls under Canada’s Additions to Reserve Process. A Reserve (First Nation) is a parcel of land where legal title is held by the Crown for the use and benefit of Indians. Any lands purchased is still designated as “Crown Land.” Indians can’t own land.

In Settlements of such Historic Injustices, Financial Compensation is given in the form of debt based “Money.” To summarize this money is created when a Private International Bank lends their debt based “chequebook” money created by entering digits on a computer and transferring it to a Government. This borrowed money is attached with an outrageous compound interest rate which can never be paid back. The resources of Indigenous Territories are being depleted, misappropriated to forever feed this interest of this International Banking Scheme.

A Fiat Money System is also being used where Money is not backed by a commodity

like gold or sliver. This Money only discharges debt, it is colourable money (counterfeit) authorized by a Government that can be spent all over the Nation, it is declared legal tender for all debts private and public and the limited liability is that you cannot be sued for not paying your debts (bills and purchases, loans etc). If the economic system was to crash all money would be worth nothing as it is backed by nothing. This is a system of fraud and counterfeit.

Elected Council and Band Members when engaging in the Specific Claims Process are made to extinguish the underlying Indigenous Title of Indigenous Territories. This is what they accept doing. Indians however can not extinguish title to the lands as they are acting in the legal position as Indians. Remember Indians under the Indian Act don’t have title to any land, so how can they be asked to extinguish their title to these large vasts of Territory in these Settlements.

Each Year an estimated $5 Billion is allocated to Canada’s 630 Indian Bands where each Band receives an estimate $7 million for programs and services to operate their community. This funding is provided under Section 91 of the Constitution Act 1867 for Indians subject to the Indian Act. Canada’s Indian Policy is to get out of this fiduciary responsibility and extinguish any remaining responsibilities to the Indian. Canada is doing this by getting Indians out of the Indian Act through Self Government Agreements. Since Indians are extinguishing their assumed title to large masses of territory in Land Claim Settlements they can not be Self Governing with no leverage to a mass land base and where reserves are not even close enough in the natural resources to produce wealth to operate their communities. This leaves Reserves to eventually become annexed to neighbouring municipalities and become under the jurisdiction of the provinces. This is what is entrenched in Canada’s Self Government Agreements such as Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement, Anishinabek Education Agreement, First Nations Lands Management Regime. This is what Indians are accepting.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada was established to document the history and impacts of Residential Schools. The Commission released 94 “calls to action” regarding reconciliation between Canadians and Indigenous Peoples. This initiative has created an Industry where Truth and Reconciliation is now Big Business. There are many opportunities in the form of funding and grants with very substantial amounts of money being offered for Indians to become equal with Canadians and reclaim culture. These opportunities are for the Indian and to qualify one has to accept being the Indian, a legal person to receive any financial opportunities. To be Colonized. Canadians also will only accept and tolerate the romanticism of the culture and the good little Indian. Modern day agenda of the Residential Schools.

Reconciliation is not a word that was randomly chosen to reflect this initiative. Reconciliation is the Sacrament of Penance of the Roman Catholic Church. Reconciliation means “to come back under god” and penance means “voluntary self punishment”. The Sacrament of Penance is also the monetization of Sin and is the process of modern day Courts. The Roman Catholic Church claims to be the representative of God on Earth. There are many Indians being employed to help bring others back under God, monetizing the sins of the Church. This is what is being accepted when Indians accept initiatives of this Scheme.


Become a member of ACTION- Anishinabek Clans to Invoke our Nation to reestablish our inherent forms of Governance and Represent ourselves as such Clan Territories as Indigenous Nationals.

Here you will get help to walk out of the position of the Legal Person and back into the Sovereign and reclaim your Securities (Birth Certificate) and birth right to the Land.

Bring a Class Action Suite against Band Councils and Canada for these international crimes and fraud of said issues.

Reconstitute our Common Law of the Land representative of our Constitution; the Creation Teachings, Clan System and Confederacies. Remove the law of water from the law of the land.

Bring a Class Action Suite against the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope through International Criminal Court and International Court of Justice. Delegitimize the Roman Catholic Church and Christianity as a Religion and as the fraud it is. It’s Papal Bulls have no effect over the World only those who wish to belong as officers of this corporation.

Help the so called Canadian Citizen reclaim their Sovereignty and establish a proper Constitution and create new needed Treaties as the historic ones have been extinguished via 1931 Statute of Westminster.

The estimated $5 Billion allocated to Canada’s 630 Indian Bands where each Band receives an estimate $7 million for programs and services to operate their community needs to be redirected and provided in the form of a Treaty Annuity to Indigenous Nations as opposed to being provided under Section 91 of the Constitution Act 1867 which is for Indians. We are not Indians.

Rebuild our Nations. Any Compensation for Historic Injustices seek Gold or Land and create our own Central Bank to issue our own Currency backed by a commodity or demand so called Canada reconstitute its Central Bank, the Bank of Canada and cut ties to the International Private Banking Syndicate.

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Anishinabek Clans to Invoke our Nation      81 Ogema Miikaan

Christian Island Indian Reserve No. 30a, Tiny, ON, Canada

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