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Open Letter to Representatives of the Crown

Writer's picture: John HawkeJohn Hawke

Anishinabek Confederacy to Invoke our Nationhood

Kai Kai Kons, Loon Clan, Three Fires Confederacy                                                                            88 Ogema Miikaan, Chimnissing Anishinabek Territory, L9M 0A9                                                                           705 247 2120

Re: Opposition of Canada’s current Settlement Offer for the                                                       Coldwater Narrows Experiment and the Specific Claims Policy                                                        in assertion of Anishinabek Sovereignty and Western Great Lakes Confederacy Belt

To: Representatives of the Crown including Chippewa Tri Council Indian Act Bands

I am writing you today because of the lack of proper communication, consultation and the unsatisfactory representation for the voice of the Sovereign Anishinbek Peoples who have been affected by this Experiment. I have asked to attend some of your meetings to voice what I wish to address but your secretaries say this letter would be sufficient enough. I am asking that you acknowledge in proper documentation and send me a letter back that you are aware that I Kai Kai Kons, known by the Canadian State as Indian # 1410167801 is opting out of the Specific Claims Process and will not accept any decision or outcomes financial or other using this process in regards to the Coldwater Narrows Experiment.

I am writing you today in assertion of my individual responsibility as an Anishinabe of the Loon Clan who sits amongst the Council of Faith Keepers within the Anishinabek Three Fires Confederacy of Gchi Mishki Mnissing.

It is by this expressed Sovereignty and the 1764 Treaty of Fort Niagara that I am obligated to reject any policies, acts, laws or settlements of the Canadian State that are in breach of this contract. It is in this letter where I am informing all concerned parties that I will be upholding this established peace contract by not participating in this illegal Specific Claims Policy process regarding the Coldwater Narrows Reserve Experiment that has been proposed to the Chippewa Tri Council.

The Coldwater Narrows Reserve Experiment was enforced upon my family in the 1830’s where lands and assets were misappropriated which also allowed for colonial policies to start being illegally enforced on us. The continued imposition of the Indian Act and other illegal policies and the withholding of our assets and lands demonstrate that this Experiment is still being enforced on us today and that no justified settlement has been achieved.

Chiefs were made to believe by the Crown that they were signing documents that acknowledge our title to the Land and Sovereignty, it is in this time today where I can read and understand your ways and will not sign any papers a second time which would make this theft and imposition of your laws legitimate. I will not surrender and become a subject of the Crown or Canadian citizen. I wish to remain obligated to our peace.

The 1764 Treaty of Fort Niagara establishes our alliance with the British Crown where the Canadian State is its current Representative. In this Agreement the Crown offered us the Western Great Lakes Covenant Chain Confederacy Belt and The Twenty Four Nations Belt where we as those Twenty Four Nations accepted and exchanged with the Crown the Two Row Wampum Belt. By agreeing to this our Nations and the Crown accepted a nation-to-nation relationship rooted in a policy of peace, non-interference and coexistence.

Accepting Settlements under the Specific Claims Policy, the Specific Claims Action Plan the Specific Claims Tribunal or through the Canadian Judicial System coerces our Nations to be subjected to the same abuses that are in these Specific Claims.


It is also in this letter where I am publicly announcing my emancipation from the Indian Act and reject the representation from any Indian Act governed entities that claim authority over the Sovereignty of the Three Fires Confederacy. I acknowledge that the Indian Act Band Chief and Councils are modern day Indian Agents who are accountable to the Canadian State. These Indian Act Bands failure to assert our Sovereignty and to properly communicate and consult with our people in regards of this settlement exemplifies who they really are accountable to.

Neither I nor my interests are to be represented by Crown Representatives or these Bands. This is not to be mistaken as an extinguishment of my entitlement to the established Treaties. I personally will be taking future arrangements where treaty entitlements and lands are not to be withheld within this illegal Indian Act Band system.


I, Kai Kai Kons, known by the Canadian State as Indian # 1410167801 will be representing my own Individual Responsibility as a Conscious Sovereign Person of the Anishinabe Nation. My interests will be represented through the Anishinabek Confederacy to invoke our Nationhood/ACTION. I am calling on the Crown to honor a fair and justified resolution to this historic injustice for those citizens who choose to uphold the Covenant Chain organized through ACTION which includes:

•  The recognition of ACTION; Anishinabek Confederacy To Invoke Our Nationhood as an organization that represents and asserts the Sovereignty, Rights, Treaties and Territories of those Anishinabek Peoples who choose to be represented by ACTION.

• The immediate settlement of this grievance by working with ACTION to provide us with proper restitution using a process that is reflective of the 1764 Treaty of Fort Niagara. We should not have to waste our financial resources to negotiate or settle this through a biased Canadian Process or in the Canadian Judicial System. Just as it is not fair for your Nation to waste financial resources when we negotiate on our terms through Blockades that can disrupt the economy.

• To see 10,000 acres of land where healthy Crown Lands are to be transferred immediately to our possession for the replacement of stolen lands at no financial cost and not subject to provincial or federal jurisdiction recognizing our Sovereign Title to those Lands.

• Financial Compensation for members of ACTION for the assets that was misappropriated and benefited by the Crown and its Subjects from 1836 to the present.

• The Prime Minister of Canada to Apologize on behalf of the Crown to the Anishinabek Communities for the Crowns fraudulent documents that were cause of the invalid surrender of the Coldwater Narrows Reserve and enforcing this failing experiment on our peoples.

I will respect the Chippewa Tri Council Communities decision to make a final surrender of their title to the lands and their right to be a sovereign people in regards to accepting this Specific Claims Policy and this Settlement; however I state that I am not to be represented by these Crown entities. I do not want to jeopardize the outcome of their decisions as a conquered colonized people so I will wait until they seek their own resolution and are compensated to their satisfaction before I uphold any agreements between our two Nations.

In the Spirit of the Covenant Chain and Peace

Kai Kai Kons/Johnny Hawke                                                                                               Anishinabek Loon Clan                                                                                                                          Faith Keeper Council Fire Three Fires Anishinabek Confederacy                               Anishinabek Confederacy to Invoke our Nationhood/ACTION

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Anishinabek Clans to Invoke our Nation      81 Ogema Miikaan

Christian Island Indian Reserve No. 30a, Tiny, ON, Canada

T: 705 247 2120

C: 705 247 2120


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